The Healthy Home - The Bathroom

How many products do you use every morning before leaving the house?

Are there expired products that can be thrown away?

Exploring the Bathroom

There is nothing like getting ready for our day consuming nitrosamines, lead, heavy metals, parabens, formaldehyde, phthalates, and hydroquinone. We are ingesting poison with all the cosmetics, skin-care treatments, perfume, antiperspirants, shampoos, conditioners, lipsticks, powders, toothpaste, sunscreen, nail polish and other personal products that we use each day in our bathroom. Yikes!
Let’s take a look in the bathroom and see what toxins are lurking there.

Most deodorants contain aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium. These compounds have been linked to breast cancer, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. They're also found in buffered aspirin, antacids, and digestive aids. If you are deficient in magnesium, calcium or iron, aluminum will actually displace these minerals needed for enzyme processes inside your cells. Ingesting lemon juice, kelp or turmeric can help cleanse it from your brain too. 

We all want a nice smile and fresh breath? Did you know the fluoride found in toothpaste and in some water supplies is actually industrial waste that has been repackaged? The physical action of brushing, along with flossing, is what really cleans our teeth, not the fluoride itself. Mouthwash contains varying levels of phenol, cresol, ethanol, formaldehyde and ammonia. Minty but toxic.

Mercury, the most toxic nonradioactive metal on the planet, has been used for decades in dental fillings. Chewing or drinking hot liquids creates mercury vapours absorbed into the body. Mercury can poison and kill cells. It has a high affinity for nerve cells and readily enters the brain resulting in nervous, digestive and immune problems.

Vaccines aren’t found in the bathroom but they’re in most of us. Prior to 1989 preschoolers received eleven vaccinations from such diseases as polio, measles, mumps and rubella. Today it is not uncommon for children to receive as many as fifty doses of vaccines. What’s in the vaccines? Preservatives. Preservatives that may contain forms of mercury that have been scrutinized and is still being questioned to contribute to neurological disorders.

Medicine Cabinet
A location medication (antibiotics), antibacterial items and skincare products are stored.

Antibiotics fight bacterial infections but do nothing to help cure viral infections (such as the common cold or flu). Extended use has made every major type of bacterial infection less responsive to antibiotic treatment.
Antibacterial products containing triclosan, which is considered a pesticide, is everywhere. Triclosan can inhibit the immune system.
Pain relievers allow us to do things we really shouldn’t like drinking too much alcohol, eating too close to bedtime, over-exerting ourselves, or simply having a bad diet. Why not simply make a few lifestyle changes?

Take precautions on how much and how often these are used.
Toxins we encounter in the bathroom may affect our bodies in short and long term health. Reducing your exposure to even some of these chemicals will make a major difference over a lifetime.

Are there some products that can be replaced with safer choices?

Can I reduce the number of products I use every day?

Sources: The Healthy Home by Dr. Myron Wentz & Dave Wentz

If you have missed any of the articles in our series or our videos not to worry click below:

The Bedroom:    Blog   Video
The Bathroom:              Video
The Kitchen:       Blog  Video
Living Areas:      Blog  Video
Garage & Yard:  Blog  Video

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